In this beautiful place of fantasy and water,
The Zombie Apocalypse hit very hard, indeed!
The living drove most of the undead into the sea,
But the undead took many of the living in with them.
Coronado is still beautiful!
The city is now very isolated!
It is preserved by the low humidity!
And the few remaining humans try to survive the monsters washing in from the ocean.
Ellwood Masterson has an entire city island to play with.
He knows of only 15 other people alive here and there.
Everybody is committed to surviving the insanity.
And Ellwood just found someone else!
(Coronado, California)
The frightened young woman sat trapped inside a gasless, but basically undamaged, Mercedes SUV!
This was the large gaudy one, a beautiful expensive tank, so she was safe inside the metal and glass.
But, 50 zombies could wait her out forever... making her another dried husk in an abandoned vehicle.
I could not leave her in there like that, especially now that she has seen me, so today things turn as I will have to now care for a young woman, too.
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