The acronym GOP stands for Grand Old Party.
To me, those three words have always sounded inherently racist.
Starting during the terms of the first black President,
The GOP became subhuman, abjectly gun crazy and extremely racist.
And when America succumbed to the craziness leading up to the 2016 elections,
They elected the craziest of the crazy GOP member... and hell on earth ensued.
With the House and the Senate still under Republican rule,
The rest of America scratched their collected heads and wondered out loud...
What happens After The Gop Takes Over?
...I remember 2016 so well... the Presidency was handed over to the craziest Republican in the race.
He kept his first promise to shut down the government... eviscerating the fibre of the law and order.
The chaos that resulted immediately spread around the world, causing a world war on many levels.
China has declared martial law in America, and their first war tanks have arrived off the shores of America's oceans!...